Parution : mai 2005 · Pages : 46 · Format : 234 x 323 mm · ISBN : 9782845658981
Poursuivis par les forces de l’Ordre de la Lumière, Darko et ses compagnons poursuivent leur périple. Dans leur fuite, ils doivent lutter contre de dangereuses créatures, dont un serpent de mer, au venin mortel, qui blesse gravement Darko.
Arrivés à Nénuphe, cité située à l’entrée du détroit qui relie la mer de Symphe à celle d’Oryampe, ils sont arrêtés, puis jetés au cachot. Trouveront-ils un antidote à temps pour sauver Darko ? Et parviendront-ils à s’échapper ? La route sera longue pour retrouver les Titans, et l’initiation aux secrets des pierres de magie, ardue…
With the forces of the Order of the Light on their tracks, Darko and his friends progress in their quest. As they flee, they are met with more and more dangerous creatures, until an encounter with a venomous sea snake results into a serious threat to Darko’s own life.
Upon their arrival in Nénuphe, a maritime city lying on the outer edge of the strait linking together the Symphe and the Oryampe seas, they are arrested, and thrown into jail. The situation is now desperate as they must escape, and most of all find an antidote to the lethal poison that runs into Darko’s blood. Never has their objective of finding the Titans seemed so distant, and the secret powers of the magic stones, so hard to master…
De wouden van Opaal deel 4 : De kerkers van Nenuuf
Éditeur : Uitgeverij L · Pages : 48 · ISBN : 9789088866128 (softcover) / 9789024531370 (hardcover)
With the forces of the Order of the Light on their tracks, Darko and his friends progress in their quest. As they flee, they are met with more and more dangerous creatures, until an encounter with a venomous sea snake results into a serious threat to Darko’s own life.
Upon their arrival in Nénuphe, a maritime city lying on the outer edge of the strait linking together the Symphe and the Oryampe seas, they are arrested, and thrown into jail. The situation is now desperate as they must escape, and most of all find an antidote to the lethal poison that runs into Darko’s blood. Never has their objective of finding the Titans seemed so distant, and the secret powers of the magic stones, so hard to master…
Lasy Opalu tom 4 : Lochy Nenufu
Éditeur : Egmont · Collection : Fantasy komiks Tom 6 · Pages : 160 · ISBN : 9788323746225
With the forces of the Order of the Light on their tracks, Darko and his friends progress in their quest. As they flee, they are met with more and more dangerous creatures, until an encounter with a venomous sea snake results into a serious threat to Darko’s own life.
Upon their arrival in Nénuphe, a maritime city lying on the outer edge of the strait linking together the Symphe and the Oryampe seas, they are arrested, and thrown into jail. The situation is now desperate as they must escape, and most of all find an antidote to the lethal poison that runs into Darko’s blood. Never has their objective of finding the Titans seemed so distant, and the secret powers of the magic stones, so hard to master…